Cookie Duration: Expires when the browser session ends.
Purpose: Single cookie placed on the user’s device during their session so the server can identify the user. Created as a session cookie whenever a new user visits an RMK site. The value is not updated unless the current session ends, in which case a completely new JSESSIONID cookie is set. SAP
More Information: SAP
Cookie: LoadBalancer Cookie: cookie_j2w
Cookie Duration: Expires when the browser is closed.
Purpose: Cookie for session stickiness preventing a user from bouncing from one instance to another. Set once upon new entry to career site, if prior cookie doesn't exist.
More Information: SAP
Cookie: Third party cookies: fbsr_[id], datr, locale, c_user, fr, xs, csm, s, lu, wd
Cookie Duration: Non-persistent (Expires when the browser is closed.)
Purpose: These cookies are dropped by third-party applications and will only be present if the third-party applications are configured. These cookies may change as third-party applications make changes to their applications without notifying us. Created by Facebook
More Information: Facebook
Cookie: _ga
Cookie Duration: 2 years
Purpose: Cookie used by Google Universal Analytics to distinguish users.
More Information: Google
Cookie: _gat
Cookie Duration: 1 minute
Purpose: Cookie used by Google Universal Analytics to distinguish users.
More Information: Google
Cookie: linkedin_oauth_[id]
Cookie Duration: Expires when the browser session ends.
Purpose: LinkedIn OAuth token. Initially created whenever a new user visits an RMK site page that uses the LinkedIn JS API. Updated by LinkedIn throughout the user's session.
More Information: LinkedIn
Cookie: linkedin_oauth_[id]_crc, lidc, RT, lang, bcookie, li_at, mst, bscookie, IN_HASH, visit
Purpose: For further details about these LinkedIn cookies, please visit
More Information: LinkedIn
Cookie: _atuvc, _atuvs
Cookie Duration: 2 years, 10 minutes
Purpose: These first party cookies provide a social sharing widget, to enable visitors to share website content with social networking platforms.
More Information: Oracle
Cookie: loc, uvc
Cookie Duration: 2 years, 2 years
Purpose: These third party cookies provide a social sharing widget, to enable visitors to share website content with social networking platforms.
More Information: Oracle
SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Management (RCM) Cookies
Cookie: zsessionid
Purpose: Used with cross applications global session management. Created as a browser session cookie whenever a new user visits a SuccessFactors site. The value is not updated unless the current session ends, in which case a completely new zsessionid cookie is set.
More Information: SAP
Purpose: Used with J2EE session management. Created as a browser session cookie whenever a new user visits a SuccessFactors site. The value is not updated unless the current session ends, in which case a completely new JSESSIONID cookie is set.
More Information: SAP
Cookie: OptierRQUUID
Purpose: User for troubleshooting and analysis. Created when a browser session is created.
More Information: SAP
Cookie: loginMethodCookieKey
Purpose: Determine login method if partial enterprise SSO is enabled. The cookie improves suability for the end in case the wrong login-method is approached. Depending on the instance configuration this cookie might be a session cookie or a persistent cookie in case “partial enterprise Single Sign On (SSO) is enabled.
More Information: SAP
Cookie: deeplinkCookieKey
Purpose: Support deep link to pages with SSO. Cookie is created in case of a direct access of a page in a module but authentication is required. The cookie is only valid for the second of the redirection.
More Information: SAP
Cookie: Fontstyle
Purpose: Support of user settings and disability support. Cookie is created in case of a direct access of a page in a module but authentication is required. The cookie is only valid for the second of the redirection.
More Information: SAP
Cookie: BIGipServerP_<label>-80 Web Server Session management.
Purpose: Created as a browser session cookie whenever a new user visits a SuccessFactors site. The value is not updated unless the current session ends, in which case a completely new cookie is set.
More Information: SAP
Cookie: AssertingPartyCookieKey
Purpose: Used to keep SAML asserting party name. Created when SAML SSO is used. The assertion party name is configured by customer. It is a persistent cookie.
More Information: SAP
Cookie: ms_cookie_set
Purpose: Used for Media Service. Created when Media service widget is rendered. It is a session cookie.
More Information: SAP
Cookie: bizxCompanyId
Purpose: Used to remember the company ID that a user used to login with. So when they go back to the Login page, the page doesn’t need to ask for the company ID anymore. Only company ID information is persistent. Created when a valid company is provided by user. This is a persistent cookie.
More Information: SAP
SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Posting (RP) Cookies
Cookie: Security CSRF Cookie
Cookie Duration: 1 year
Purpose: Security measure. Cookie set on new login.
More Information: SAP
Cookie: Session authentication Cookie
Cookie Duration: no expiration
Purpose: Session based authentication. Cookie set on new login.
More Information: SAP
Cookie: Job board market place banner Cookie
Cookie Duration: 24 hours
Purpose: Remember disclaimer display. On JBMP disclaimer is marked as read
More Information: SAP
Cookie: Google Analytics tracking utmz
Cookie Duration: 6 months
Purpose: Google Analytics tracking. Cookie set on each page visit.
More Information: SAP
Cookie: Google Analytics tracking utma
Cookie Duration: 2 years
Purpose: Google Analytics tracking. Cookie set on each page visit.
More Information: SAP
Cookie: Google Analytics tracking utmb
Cookie Duration: 30 minutes
Purpose: Google Analytics tracking. Cookie set on each page visit.
More Information: SAP
Cookie: Google Analytics tracking utmc
Cookie Duration: no expiration
Purpose: Google Analytics tracking. Cookie set on each page visit.
More Information: SAP
Cookie: Google Analytics tracking utmt
Cookie Duration: 1 minute
Purpose: Google Analytics tracking. Cookie set on each page visit.
More Information: SAP
SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding (ONB) Cookies
Cookie: SessionID
Cookie Duration: Session Only
Purpose: Application Server Session management. Standard ASP.NET cookie. Created as a browser session cookie whenever a new user logs in to SuccessFactors Onboarding site. The value is not updated unless the current session ends, in which case a completely new cookie is set.
More Information: SAP
Cookie Duration: Session Only
Purpose: Role assignment for the Session. Standard ASP.NET cookie used to cache role names. Created as a browser session cookie whenever a new user logs in to SuccessFactors Onboarding site. The value is not updated unless the current session ends, in which case a completely new cookie is set.
More Information: SAP
Cookie: QASF_SF
Cookie Duration: Session Only
Purpose: Standard Form Authentication Ticket cookie. Created as a browser session cookie whenever a new user logs in to SuccessFactors Onboarding site. The value is not updated unless the current session ends, in which case a completely new cookie is set.
More Information: SAP
Cookie Duration: Persistent
Purpose: Stores the last logged in account name. Created as a browser session cookie whenever user logins to the Onboarding site.
More Information: SAP
Cookie Duration: Persistent
Purpose: Used to make sure sessionId is always new when user logs in to app. Created as a browser session cookie whenever user logins to the onboarding application.
More Information: SAP
Cookie Duration: Persistent; no duration provided.
Purpose: Stores the current Bizx User Name
More Information: SAP
Cookie: bizxHomeURL
Cookie Duration: 1 hour
Purpose: To store the Bizx Home URL
More Information: SAP